Q&A 1st November 2009

Asia writes… Hi Michelle, I have been a fan of yours for a very very long time!! I hope you are doing amazingly and time has treated you well. My question is whether you have a recording of Q&A that took place on the 1st of November in 2009? I know this is a big…

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Wolf Brother

Valeria writes… Hello! I love your books, especially the Wolf Brother series. I wrote to you in 2022 asking if the new books from this series would be translated into Russian. I understand the situation in the world, but I still want to ask this question again. Will the new books from the "Wolf Brother"…

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Just wondering…

Rebecca writes… Hi Michelle. I was wondering some things: At the start of Wolf Brother, Torak tells his father a joke. What was that joke? Will the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness book series be adapted onscreen (film/TV)? Because I would love to see that. Do you already have any actors in mind for the cast?…

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Thin air

Nicola writes… We ( my husband and I ) have been reading aloud together your book thin air We are currently in Argentina on a holiday We are staying in a town called bariloche and took the cable car up the mountain We came across a sculpture I have a photo of it I could…

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Wolf Brother Book Series

Sam writes… Hi, I'm a student at university at the moment. I have been debating sending you a message for about a year or at least since I finished Wolfbane as an audiobook. I loved the book and I have bee a fan of the chronicles of ancient darkness ever since my dad introduced me…

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Danni writes… Hello michelle. I just wanted to write to you and say I LOVE your chronicals of ancient darkness books. I first got introduced to them when I was in primary school, at around 11 years old. I would read your books all day, every day, my teachers had to tell me to stop…

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Thank you!!!

Maryam writes… To michelle paver, Thanks so much for answering to my email!!! I was shaking when I read your answer. I sadly can't read those other books that you're making now but I'll read the other ones!! I asked because you weren't really active on Instagram, anyways, I understand you response and I also…

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Character you hate/despise

Stella writes… Dear Michelle Pave I know I've written to you twice before. The first time I asked you whether there would be a TV series or not. Second time I asked you who of all the villains you've created you thought was the most well written. I know you've said that Wolf is your…

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Why she hasn’t been active

Maryam writes… Dear Michelle paver, Its probably too late but Ive read wolf brother (and the series) ten times. I'm 12 by the way. And I can't hide this but on the last few chapters of wolf bane I cried so hard! Anyways to the point, why have you been so inactive lately? I also…

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