Seren / writes…
Dear Michelle,
Since Eostra is my favourite Soul-Eater, I thought I'd ask 2 questions about her! I hope these aren't spoiler-y questions since I can't put spoilers here.
1. Is the ash-haired woman in Oath Breaker Eostra?
2. What does Eostra look like under her mask?
Michelle Replies…
Hello, Seren. I’m glad your favourite Soul-Eater is Eostra, because I really enjoyed writing about her. (And don’t worry, your questions aren’t spoilers; but thanks for being mindful of that.) It’s an interesting idea that the ash-haired woman in Oath Breaker might have something to do with Eostra, but it’s not the case. However now that you mention it, they do perhaps have something spiritually in common, in that they’re both very destructive! As for your second question, I really do prefer to leave that up to the reader. Eostra is frightening, and part of the fear she creates in the reader is, I think, to do with the fact that we don’t know what’s under that mask, so we imagine all sorts of horrors. So I shall leave you to picture what she looks like – and why she took to wearing that mask in the first place! With very best wishes, Michelle