Sage writes…
Hi my name is Jocelyn, your books are the best I have read in my life. I am 12 and sending this from my aunt’s phone. I wanted to tell you how amazing your series “the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness” my question is how did you pick the names of Renn and Torak because everytime I read their names I thought how they weren’t ordinary and wanted to know how you picked them? Renn is my favorite character. Thank you.
Michelle Replies…
Dear Jocelyn, I’m delighted that you’ve been enjoying the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so much! The short answer is that I made up the names Torak and Renn. I had to, because we don’t know any Stone Age names. But in doing so, I borrowed sounds from various old languages, such as Old Norse (what the Vikings spoke) – and after that it was a question of trial and error, until I had something that felt absolutely right for the character. As it happened, much later, after I was well into writing the books, I learnt that both names mean something in other languages: Renn means “reindeer” in French, and Torak means “perfect” in Greenlandic; I was told this by an Inuit girl in Greenland. But that’s just chance, and the important thing is that the names fit the characters. Finally, and in case you didn’t know, I should tell that I’ve also written three more Wolf Brother books, after the six of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. I hope you enjoy them too! May the guardian run with you. Best wishes, Michelle