Maryam writes…
Dear Michelle paver,
Its probably too late but Ive read wolf brother (and the series) ten times.
I’m 12 by the way.
And I can’t hide this but on the last few chapters of wolf bane I cried so hard! Anyways to the point, why have you been so inactive lately? I also wanted to request if you add to the series, like a book where the oak mages soul isn’t at peace? AND RENN AND TORAK HAVE A CHILD! Okay I need to calm down. Anyways thank you!!
Michelle Replies…
Hello, Maryam. How marvellous that you’ve read the series so many times! I think it does you credit that you were so moved at the end of Wolf Bane, as it shows that you have the ability to get immersed in a story while you’re reading. You’re very persuasive as to further books in the Wolf Brother series, but I’m afraid I’ve no plans to write any more. You see, I think I’ve ended it just where I should, and (avoiding spoilers) I’ve given the characters good send-offs. I’d far rather end there, than write more stories and have them sort of peter out. As for being inactive, I’ve actually been really busy writing! My grown-up supernatural story RAINFOREST comes out this autumn, and I’ve written a short ghost story for an anthology (also out this autumn), and am deep into writing another grown-up supernatural novel. But I haven’t posted much on my website, so I can understand why you wondered. Anyway, thanks for getting in touch, and maybe by a bit more re-reading, you can enjoy many more times in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf! May the guardian run with you.
Best wishes, Michelle