Daniel writes…
Hi Michelle,
I wrote to you a few days ago saying how much I love your books, and asking for advice about my own writing and getting published. I'd really appreciate a response, whatever it may be. I really love your books.
Thanks a lot.
Michelle Replies…
Dear Daniel, I’ve paraphrased your message as my original response didn’t get through. I’m delighted that you like the Wolf Brother books so much, and I want to congratulate you on having had the commitment and determination to finish your own book (which is no small feat at the age of eighteen). I know from your previous message that you’ve put a lot of thought into your “logbook”, ie your notes about writing the story, and I think the most useful bit is the section in which you describe each of your main characters. Character is the foundation of plot, so it’s well worth spending time getting to know yours; although of course your characters will often change during the writing of the story. That’s one of the fascinating things about the process.
You asked if you could send me a copy of your book so that I could comment on it, and I’m afraid that’s not possible. You see, I have ongoing family commitments which take up so much of my time that I’m struggling to find the time to write my own stories. I do hope you’ll understand. (And to others reading this, please don’t attach your work to any messages, as due to pressure of time, I can’t read or comment on them!)
With that out of the way, Daniel, I’d be happy to give you some advice about getting published. The first and most important thing is to make sure that your story is absolutely the best it can possibly be, before you submit it to an agent or a publisher. Put it away for a few weeks or months, then come back to it – and I guarantee you will see things that need improving. Secondly, I’d suggest that you try to get an agent first, as they will know which publishers to approach with your work. (Although be warned, getting an agent is just as hard as finding someone to publish, so what I’m suggesting is not the easy way out!) It’s years since I had to do this myself, so my advice doesn’t take account of the digital world; but you’ll find very useful lists of agents and publishers in The Writer’s & Artist’s Yearbook or The Writer’s Handbook. I used hard copies of both, but doubtless digital versions are now available. And these directories are important, as they tell you the types of work which specific agents or publishers will accept. Also, and this is crucial, they tell you how they like to receive submissions. For instance, some just want a covering letter and the first chapter; others might just want a synopsis; and if you disregard what they want, your work will probably go straight in the bin! Be prepared for rejection, too. It’s part of an author’s life. When I was starting out, I got loads of rejection letters. You just have to find a way to pick yourself up off the floor after each one, and carry one.
Also – and you may not want to hear this – I would caution you against submitting your work too soon. I’m guessing that at your age you have quite a lot on your plate, what with exams and so on, so it might be worth holding off for a bit. Writing should be fun. Try different things, experiment; read lots of different authors. That’s how you learn.
Finally, in your original message you mentioned using Chat GPT and other AI tools for “checking the viability” of your ideas, and helping you write. After trying them, you wisely decided not to use them except for stuff like checking spelling, and to trust your own creativity. I applaud this wholeheartedly. Stories come from deep in one’s unconscious. That’s why themes and ideas often surface in the writing which can surprise you; and what you thought was a minor character sometimes turns out to be much more interesting than your lead. If that happens, pay attention to it; give it some thought. Because despite all the planning and character notes and so on – which of course have their uses – writing is a messy, chaotic, creative process. Far better to use what’s in your own brain, rather than a computer’s algorithms.
That’s all I’ve got time for, I’m afraid. I hope you find the above helpful, and that whatever you decide to do with your own work, you continue to enjoy writing. With best wishes, Michelle