About a prequel to Wolf-brother

Antonio writes…

Have you ever thought about writing something like a prequel to Wolf brother? About the story of Torak and Renn parents, Fin Kedinn; and their relationship, and how things turned up the way they did. Thanks for writing the way you do!

Michelle Replies…

Hello, Antonio.  Over the years, many readers have expressed interest in a prequel, but I have to say that I have never been tempted.  I think that’s mainly because we already know how things turned out for Torak and Renn’s parents and for Fin-Kedinn – so I’d find it a bit hard to create any narrative suspense.  Also, I prefer to leave things somewhat mysterious, and up to the reader’s imagination – especially where Fin-Kedinn is concerned.  I know lots of other writers feel differently about prequels, and they write really good ones; but I don’t think they’re for me.  Thanks for getting in touch, and I do hope you continue to enjoy the stories!  With very best wishes, Michelle