Ask Michelle Anything


Holly writes…

Hi Michelle!

I work at my local library and (luckily) they have gorgeous hardback editions of Dark Matter and Thin Air. I read them both in a week (they were a month or so apart, I get very spooked) with my little book light and rain sounds in the background. I was just wondering if A) You'd consider writing anything similar to those books again B) If there's going to be stage or film adaptations of either. One of my friends read Dark Matter when I did and we had so many varied ideas on what the environment looked like. Thank you!!

Michelle Replies…

Dear Holly, What a lovely message – and I’m so glad that you enjoyed Dark Matter and Thin Air.  As regards film adaptations, I don’t have any news as yet, but if and when something happens, I will of course post it on my website.  Concerning further Gothic/ghost stories, a few years ago I wrote Wakenhyrst, which is a a Gothic novel set in the fens during Edwardian times.  And most recently I’ve written (well, almost completed) a ghost story set in the rainforest, which will come out next year.  And I’m hard at work on another.  I hope that helps a bit – and thank you very much for getting in touch.  With best wishes, Michelle