
Ask Michelle

Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.

Latest Messages

Mexico 🇲🇽

Q&A 1st November 2009

Wolf Brother

Just wondering…

Thin air

Wolf Brother Book Series


Thank you!!!

Character you hate/despise

Why she hasn’t been active

Mexico 🇲🇽

Ximena writes...

hellooo. Good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are. Let me introduce myself, I am Ximena Ortiz from Mexico 🇲🇽 and I am very excited to be able to write to you since she is my favorite author and her works on “Chronicles of Prehistory” have really enchanted me and allowed me to learn about the ancient world. I can highlight that his works not only transmit knowledge, but also lead you to imagine and explore further in the imagination.
As a good lover of a book, nothing compares to a paper one that I can take with me everywhere. However, I would like to share with you that books are difficult to obtain in Mexico and that is why I am turning to you, to ask you in the best possible way not to stop with distribution and, I don't know to what extent, reach an agreement with the publishers. I have tried to have most of them, but I realized that some only have them in eBook. And I completely understand this, but I have to tell you that since I got the first book in 2015 from a high school library I couldn't get the others. Which is sad because there are thousands of people who miss out on these incredibly detailed stories.
Finally, thank you, thank you, thank you for always writing. For going beyond imagination and being in the places Torak, Renn and Lobo were years ago. Your stories are a great contribution to your readers and, especially, mine. It has brought back the spark by reading about adventure stories and being able to share them with some students. Have a pleasant morning, afternoon or evening. 🐺

Michelle Replies...

Hola, Ximena!  Thank you so much for your message.  I'm delighted that you've enjoyed my stories so much - and I was very interested to hear why you do; I think you explain it very well, especially considering that you are writing in English!  I am really sorry that you find it so hard to get hold of the books in Mexixo, that must be so frustrating for you.  But I am afraid that I have no control over this, as it is entirely the decision of the publishers as to where to sell the books.  I really wish I could help you more, and I do hope that you are able to find some way of getting hold of the rest of the series. Thank you again so much for gettting in touch.  With very best wishes, Michelle

Q&A 1st November 2009

Asia writes...

Hi Michelle,

I have been a fan of yours for a very very long time!! I hope you are doing amazingly and time has treated you well. My question is whether you have a recording of Q&A that took place on the 1st of November in 2009? I know this is a big asked, 15 years ago now!! But I am re-reading the books and I remember the lovely chat I had with you on Skype and wanted to see it again.

Always wishing you the best <3

Kind regards,

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Asia.  Thanks very much for this.  I asked my wonderful agent to do some digging. as he's far more tech-savvy than I, and the good news is that he has found not only our chat, but lots of other audio chats as well, in the form of podcasts from that time.

And thanks to your gently prompting, we (well, I mean, my agent) - will be re-releasing this material, so that others can also revisit and enjoy it.  We''ll start posting them to my YouTube channel (see link below), with two new episodes posted weekly, on Thursdays and Sundays.  (And to everyone who's interested: please share this and the link with any of your friends - and/or your children; and you can of course subscribe to the channel, to be notified every time there's a new video/podcast.)

As regards you, Asia, I'm told that you were the very first reader with whom I chatted on this show; so here's hoping you can go on my YouTube and find it!

Here's the link:

Thanks again for getting in touch - and enjoy your trip down memory lane!

With very best wishes,  Michelle

Wolf Brother

Valeria writes...

I love your books, especially the Wolf Brother series. I wrote to you in 2022 asking if the new books from this series would be translated into Russian. I understand the situation in the world, but I still want to ask this question again. Will the new books from the "Wolf Brother" series be translated into Russian in the future?
Thank you!

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Valeria, nice to hear from you!  I'm afraid that there are still no plans to translate the final three books into Russian.  I don't think this has anything much to do with the current political situation, as the books haven't been translated into French either (to give just one example); it's just one of those things and it's out of my hands.  However, judging from your message, your English is pretty amazing (and a lot better than my Russian)  - so you might be able to tackle the sequels in English.  I'm so sorry to disappoint you, and I hope that at  some time in the future, you will be able to get your paws on the sequels and enjoy them!  With very best wishes, Michelle

Just wondering…

Rebecca writes...

Hi Michelle.
I was wondering some things:
At the start of Wolf Brother, Torak tells his father a joke.
What was that joke?
Will the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness book series be adapted onscreen (film/TV)?
Because I would love to see that.
Do you already have any actors in mind for the cast?
What was your first inspired thought for the first book?
And will Wolfbane be the very last book in the series?
Thank you.
I loved reading all these books in the series.
I don't want the adventures of Torak, Renn and Wolf to end.
Kind regards, Rebecca.

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Rebecca, thanks so much for your message, and I'm delighted that you've enjoyed the stories.  To answer your questions: Concerning the joke Torak was telling his father at the start of Wolf Brother, other readers have asked me over the years and I've always resisted telling them, so I'm afraid I won't change that now (consider it one of the minor mysteries of the series!).  As regards film or tv, there are currently no plans for an adaptation; if this changes, you may be sure that I'll post the news on my website.  The inspiration for the series came in bits and pieces over several years and involved a lifelong love of wolves and the Stone Age, as well as an extremely frightening encounter with a large black bear.  For the full story, go to, then go into the Cave and click on Why I Wrote Wolf Brother.  And finally - yes, I'm afraid Wolfbane really is the last book in the series.  With that book I feel that I've given Torak, Renn and Wolf a good send-off - not to mention the other characters; and I'd much rather leave readers wanting more, than have the series fizzle out.  But I hope that as you've enjoyed the series so much, re-reading it might let you have many more happy times in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf.  Thanks again for getting in touch - and may the guardian run with you!  Best wishes, Michelle

Thin air

Nicola writes...

We ( my husband and I ) have been reading aloud together your book thin air
We are currently in Argentina on a holiday
We are staying in a town called bariloche and took the cable car up the mountain
We came across a sculpture
I have a photo of it
I could send it to you as it resonates with your book

Michelle Replies...

Dear Nicola, what a great idea to read a book aloud to each other; and in Argentina too!  I'd love to see the photo you've taken, which you feel resonates with the story, so feel free to post it in the same way that you sent this message, so that others can enjoy it too; but only if you wish, of course; if not, that's fine too.  Either way, I hope you continue to enjoy THIN AIR - and have a wonderful holiday!  With best wishes, Michelle

Wolf Brother Book Series

Sam writes...


I'm a student at university at the moment. I have been debating sending you a message for about a year or at least since I finished Wolfbane as an audiobook. I loved the book and I have bee a fan of the chronicles of ancient darkness ever since my dad introduced me to them as a child. basically I'm Dyslexic, reading never came easy to me but your books have always been a massive comfort, they were the first series I was truly invested in and your writing sparked a life long love of reading.

Thank You


Michelle Replies...

Dear Sam, I've just arrived home to find your wonderful message; what a lovely thing to find  when I switched on my computer!  I have Dyslexic friends, and I have an idea how hard it can be to get into a book, so I'm absolutely delighted that you connected with the Wolf Brother books as a child; and how great that your father introduced them to you.  I'm particularly pleased, too, that you liked Wolfbane.  It must have been an interesting experience to return to the series as an adult, and to re-connect with Ian McKellen's marvellous readings of the stories.  Thank you again for taking the trouble to get in touch - and I'd like to wish you all possible success and happiness at university. With very best wishes, Michelle


Danni writes...

Hello michelle. I just wanted to write to you and say I LOVE your chronicals of ancient darkness books. I first got introduced to them when I was in primary school, at around 11 years old. I would read your books all day, every day, my teachers had to tell me to stop multiple times throughout the day and sometimes I got so invested while walking home that I would walk past my stop and my family would have to shout for me. I have never finished the series, I have ADHD and struggle to concentrate and commit to things that take a long time but when I want to get into reading I always read your "wolf brother book" and my new years resolution this year is to finish all of them because I adore them so much, they were a massive part of my childhood.

Michelle Replies...

Dear Danni, thank you so much for your delightful message.  You paint such a vivid picture of how engrossed you used to get in my books at school: I love the idea of your teachers having to tell you to stop!  And I think it's terrific that even at that young age, you were able you were able to get immersed in them so deeply.  Lots of people who don't have ADHD lack that ability, so you are to be congratulated on developing what I regard as a highly useful life skill!  Thank you again for getting in touch, and I hope that you continue to enjoy my (and others') books - at your own pace, and as and when you feel like it. With very best wishes, Michelle

Thank you!!!

Maryam writes...

To michelle paver,
Thanks so much for answering to my email!!! I was shaking when I read your answer. I sadly can't read those other books that you're making now but I'll read the other ones!!
I asked because you weren't really active on Instagram, anyways, I understand you response and I also wanted to ask what books would you recommend to me that you've wrote for 12-13 year olds? I also loved the ending of you're email. Anyways I hope you have a great rest of your day!!

Michelle Replies...

Dear Maryam, I'm so glad that my message made you happy!  A few years ago I wrote a series of five books for ~10-13 year olds, called Gods and Warriors.  It's set in the  Mediterranean in the Bronze Age (so it's a bit later than the Wolf Brother books) - but it still has plenty of animals and adventure.  I think it's still in print in the UK, but I don't know about the US or other countries.  I hope you enjoy it if you're able to get your paws on it.  With very best wishes, Michelle

Character you hate/despise

Stella writes...

Dear Michelle Pave

I know I've written to you twice before. The first time I asked you whether there would be a TV series or not. Second time I asked you who of all the villains you've created you thought was the most well written. I know you've said that Wolf is your favorite character and I understand you. He is mine as well. I love him so much. He's so brave and loyal. I am jealous of Torak for having pack-brother like that.

However I want to ask you the opposite question is there any character from Chronicles of Ancient Darkness who you hate or at least dislike? Personally I'm not too fond of Thiazzi and I guess due to his sadism, he's not meant to be liked. What about you?

Michelle Replies...

Hallo, Stella.  I'm really glad that Wolf is your favourite character - and like you, I also dislike Thiazzi; although as you say, I didn't create him to be likeable!  It might surprise you to learn that one character I particularly dislike is Durrain, the Red Deer Mage.  She's really quite passive, and yet her attitude to other clans is rather superior; for instance, when she tells Torak and Renn that "The Red Deer never fight". Of course, not fighting is on many occasions quite praiseworthy; but not always.  I mean, if Renn and Torak and all the others clans had taken that approach, then the Soul-Eaters would have walked all over them.  Of course, as with Thiazzi, Durrain's annoyingness was deliberate on my part.  I didn't intend people to love her; although at times she can also be quite admirable.  I enjoyed creating someone who is outwardly good, but really rather irritating at times - at least, to me!  With very best wishes, Michelle

Why she hasn’t been active

Maryam writes...

Dear Michelle paver,
Its probably too late but Ive read wolf brother (and the series) ten times.
I'm 12 by the way.
And I can't hide this but on the last few chapters of wolf bane I cried so hard! Anyways to the point, why have you been so inactive lately? I also wanted to request if you add to the series, like a book where the oak mages soul isn't at peace? AND RENN AND TORAK HAVE A CHILD! Okay I need to calm down. Anyways thank you!!

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Maryam.  How marvellous that you've read the series so many times! I think it does you credit that you were so moved at the end of Wolf Bane, as it shows that you have the ability to get immersed in a story while you're reading.  You're very persuasive as to further books in the Wolf Brother series, but I'm afraid I've no plans to write any more. You see, I think I've ended it just where I should, and (avoiding spoilers) I've given the characters good send-offs.  I'd far rather end there, than write more stories and have them sort of peter out.  As for being inactive,  I've actually been really busy writing!  My grown-up supernatural story RAINFOREST comes out this autumn, and I've written a short ghost story for an anthology (also out this autumn), and am deep into writing another grown-up supernatural novel.  But I haven't posted much on my website, so I can understand why you wondered.  Anyway, thanks for getting in touch, and maybe by a bit more re-reading,  you can enjoy many more times in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf!  May the guardian run with you. Best wishes, Michelle