
Ask Michelle

Here are Michelle’s most recent answers to the questions and messages readers have submitted.

Latest Messages


Trans and non binary people

Thank you

Dark and kujai


A Book that takes place before the events of Wolf Brother?

Your books

Chronicles of ancient darkness


Wolf brother

Publishing Suggestions

Stephen writes...

Dear Michelle Paver,

I am an educator and a writer from Colorado, USA. I have immensely enjoyed your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series, as well as Gods and Warriors. I love how you sweep the reader right into the world of your books. You became one of my favorite authors ever since I discovered Wolf Brother.

I have been working on a fantasy novel for younger readers, and I was wondering if you would be willing to share some advice on how to get published? Navigating markets and hunting for agents can feel like stumbling through a maze. What do you suggest for a novice novelist? I would appreciate your insight.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to any other novels you plan to write!


Stephen C. Curro
Windsor, Colorado, USA

Michelle Replies...

Dear Stephen, I'm so glad you've enjoyed the Wolf Brother and Gods and Warriors stories. As to getting published, some things may have changed radically since I was trying to do it back in the 1980s and 90s - but some things haven't. For instance, I too felt as if I were "stumbling through a maze", as you put it.  Here are my top tips :

  • ONLY submit your story when you've got it the way you really, really want it. Re-write it, leave it for a few weeks, then read it critically and re-write some more.  And so on. (Should you get someone else to read it? That's up to you, but personally I never have. I think it's too risky to rely on one person's opinion.)
  • Send it to an agent or publisher who publishes YOUR kind of story - AND send it in the way they like to receive submissions. This is crucial.  For instance if an agent  wants a letter and the first chapter, send that - and ensure that your letter is short and pithy!  (Don't be tempted to send the full typescript, it will go straight in the bin.)  How do you find out what different agents & publishers want? In pre-internet days I used two directories of UK publishers & agents, The Writers' & Artists' Yearbook  and the Writer's Handbook; I imagine both will now be online, and there should be similar resources in the US.  Failing that, agents' and publishers' websites often give useful guidance: follow it to the letter.
  • Be prepared for multiple rejections. They hurt, but they're a fact of life. Rage, grieve, mope; then pick yourself up off the floor and send it out again.   Or write something new.
  • Should you research the market? Hmm. Personally I wouldn't when it comes to WHAT to write. (For instance, when I was writing Wolf Brother there were no children's books set in the Stone Age; but did that show a gap in the market, or no demand? I had no idea, but I wanted to write the story, so I did.)  That said, it can help to look at a few books in your genre, to get an idea of basics like novel length and chapter length.  But approach this with care: researching the market can be discouraging. If it makes you lose faith in your story, step away.
  • Above all, KEEP GOING! It took me 16 years to get published, and that's not unusual. But ponder this: if you give up, you can be 100% certain that you'll never get there. If you keep at it, you've got a chance. That thought kept me going through the dark times when I felt hopeless.  Maybe it will do the same for you.
  • Doubtless there's lots more guidance on the internet, but these are my top tips.  I hope you find them helpful. And I'd like to wish you the very best of luck with your novel - as and when it sees the light of day! With best wishes, Michelle

COAD series Translated.

Dimitrios writes...

Hello there Michelle.

I don't know if i'm the latest fan of your books but I bet I'm one of the oldest. I've read wolf brother last year and since then the series became instant favourite.
The problem is that in Greece only the first 5 books were translated. Is there any hope we get more?
I know is easy to get them in English but reading them in my first language is far more natural to me.

Michelle Replies...

Hello, Dimitrios, it's absolutely great to know that you've been enjoying the Wolf Brother books!  I'm so very sorry that only the first five were translated, and it seems particularly unfortunate that the publishers decided not to translate the sixth book.  However I'm afraid that authors don't have a say in whether their overseas publishers translate all their books, and the same is true for me.  To my knowledge, there are no current plans to translate books six to nine into Greek. That's a great pity, and I can completely understand that you would much prefer reading them in Greek.  But I'm afraid your only option is to read them in English - should you wish to, of course.  I'm sorry I can't give you better news. But thank you so much for getting in touch, and I hope that you can continue to enjoy the books, in some form or another.  With very best wishes, Michelle

Audiobook for Spirit Walker & Soul Eater not available in the US?

Timberlee writes...

Dear Michelle,
I’ve loved the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series (as well as the audiobooks) since I was a little girl. I collected both the physical books and all the audios narrated by Sir Ian McKellen. Sadly, due to domestic violence I’ve lost all my copies. I’ve recently finished the first book again and would love to continue to listen to them all but the 2nd and 3rd installments are not available where I live in the US. Apple Books, Amazon, everywhere it is unavailable; Is there anyway to buy these two audiobooks? Thank you so much!

Michelle Replies...

Dear Timberlee,

It's great to know that you've enjoyed the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so much, and for such a long time.  I'm really sorry that you've lost all your copies, and under such difficult circumstances; you have all my sympathy.  As regards replacing the audiobooks, I'm afraid I'm not the person to help you, as availability is up to the publishers and their audiobook associates.  I can only suggest that you contact my US publishers, HarperCollins Children's Books; they may be able to help. Failing that, an online seller of secondhand audiobook CDs might help; although you may already have tried that.  I'm so sorry that I can't be of more help - and I do hope that your domestic situation is calmer and more peaceful now.  Thanks for getting in touch,

With very best wishes, Michelle

Future books

Graham writes...

Is there any chance of novels on the Upper Palaeolithic , Mesolithic and Neolithic ages in Europe and the Mediterranean ? I am 78 , an ex- archaeologist (if such a thing can exist) and ageing child , and have just finished the final Wolf Brother novel , and am rapidly developing worrying withdrawal symptoms . You write so vividly and make prehistory come alive . I recommend you to all my archaeological cronies , and explain that your stories open up the mind and imagination .... something that the archaeological world needs more of .
Thank you for all the pleasure and delight that your books have given me .... you must have a touch of Wm. Blake's Divine Imagination .
Graham Adamson .

Michelle Replies...

Dear Graham,

Please accept my apologies for such a late reply. I've just spent the past five days in deepest Sussex, without access to emails, and I only saw your delightful message on returning home this afternoon.  And what a lovely message to find!  I am so pleased  that you've enjoyed my Wolf Brother books.  Pleased?  That doesn't go far enough.  I'm also very proud - not to mention relieved - that they meet with your approval, given your expertise as an archaeologist (and no, I wouldn't have thought that archaeologists can ever truly retire, not really).

As for the chance of further novels set during the Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic or Neolithic - I can only say that I have no plans for any.  I know I said the same thing a few years ago when I finished Ghost Hunter, and then I changed my mind and wrote three more books; but this time it feels different.  I really do think that I've given Torak, Renn and Wolf a good send-off; and I can't imagine writing a novel set in any period of the Stone Age, without including them.  So I'm afraid you'll have to make do with nine Mesolithic novels from me.

Thank you again for your wonderful message - and for that reference to Blake, which I shall cherish.

With very best wishes, Michelle




A little thank you

Anna writes...

Dear Mrs Paver,

I do not exactly have a question, I would only like to tell you how much Chronicles of Ancient Darkness mean to me.
I first stumbled upon them in my local library when I was still in primary school and their covers immediately caught my eye. I remember reading so late into the night my mom was not happy about it because I had school the next day (but it didn't stop me!). I recommended the franchise to anyone who would listen and many of the people I talked to about it actually went and read it and loved it so much.
The fact that you took the time to do such a throughout research about everything makes the story so unique and captivating. It is really easy to get absorbed in it and feel like you are there with Torak, Renn and Wolf for every second of their adventure.

A few years back I finally bought the whole collection and read it again (like many times before) and when I found out that three more books were coming I felt like a child again, transported back to when I first read the first one with excitement.
I was so sad to hear the TV series will not be happening but knowing that I can always come back to the physical books and the amazing audiobooks soothed my sadness really quickly.
The story and its remarkable world you have created will forever be in my heart and as a little reminder I got a tattoo on my arm of some of the symbols in each of the six original books. It makes me happy just to look at it!

Thank you again and I wish you all the best,

Michelle Replies...

Dear Anna,

I read your email after getting home from a very long day sorting family stuff (I have a 92-year old mother) - and it was such a delight!  I really enjoyed reading your account of how you discovered the Wolf Brother books, and of what they meant to you.  And I had to smile when you said that when you were  a child, you got told off by your mother for reading too late at night.  The same thing happened to me when I was a child, and it was very much in my mind when I started writing Wolf Brother.  My aim, as I have often told interviewers, was to get children told off for reading in bed at night!  So my apologies (sort of) to your mother; but I bet she was secretly pleased that you were  reading a book.

I'm also delighted that you have enjoyed the final three books in the series - as well as Ian McKellen's magnificent readings of the audiobooks.  And I love the sound of those tattoos; what a great idea.  Thank you so much for getting in touch - and may the guardian run with you!    With very best wishes, Michelle

film adaptation of the book series Chronicles of Dark Times

Vera writes...

Hello, Michelle Paver, I am Vera and I really love your series of books Chronicles of Dark Times. I really want to participate in the film adaptation of this series of books in the role of Renn. Is it possible?

Michelle Replies...

Dear Vera,

Thanks very much for your message - and I'm delighted that you like my books!  I'm really sorry, but as you'll see from my answer to Tereza today, the proposed tv series is no longer going ahead.  I should add that you are not alone in wanting to play Renn: over the years, many readers have got in touch with me with similar requests, and/or hopes.  It's interesting that Renn's is the role which seems most popular.

Again, I'm sorry to disappoint you.  I hope, though, that you can still continue to the enjoy the books.  And thanks for getting in touch.

With very best wishes, Michelle

Chronicles of the Dark Times

Dmitrii writes...

Hi Michelle,

I really liked your book, I read for hours on end. This is the best book I've ever read! I am very grateful to you for this work of art. I am waiting for the continuation of Torak and Renn's love line) And so, let's move on to the question. Are you planning to write the 10th book in the "Chronicles of Dark Times" series? I recently read the 9th book of this series and am really looking forward to continuing. With very best wishes, Dmitrii.

Michelle Replies...

Dear Dimitrii,

I'm really pleased that you've been enjoying the stories of Torak, Renn and Wolf so much!  However I'm afraid that I have no plans to write a tenth book, and the ninth book, which in the English edition is called Wolf Bane, will definitely be the last.  I've explained why in answers to previous readers, particularly to Josiah (in case you want to search it on my website) - but briefly, it's because I conceived the final three books (books 7, 8 and 9) as a whole, since they deal with the after-effects of the first six books.  And I feel that with book 9, I've given Torak, Renn and Wolf a good send-off, and set them up for the rest of their lives.  Also, I am very pleased with the way Book 9 has turned out, and I want to leave the series on a high note.  So I'm sorry to disappoint you; but I hope that perhaps a little re-reading of some (or all) of the nine books may help with that.

Thank you for getting in touch.  With very best wishes, Michelle

I cannot wait!

Tereza writes...

Dear Mrs Paver,

First of all, as many others before me, I would like to thank you for creating the work of art that The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness are. The books have been with me since primary school and stuck with me to the present day, I cannot remember how many times I have read them already and there is no doubt that I will read them again in the future.
I will probably never feel the kind of joy while reading a book as I did with yours. After finishing Wolf Bane I could not help myself but shed a few tears, knowing the story is over, but at the same time feeling happy that it has come to a closure both for Torak and Wolf and us readers.
I thought that there will be no more excitement involving the franchise, however, when you announced that you have talked to the Kindle Entertainment and Lionsgate about the possible screen adaptation I was over the moon. And this leads me to my first and only question:
Are there any updates about the live action TV series that you could kindly share with us please?
I simply cannot wait to see Torak and his world come to life once more, it would be a dream come true!

Thank you again for making my childhood (and adulthood) magical.


Michelle Replies...

Dear Tereza,

Thanks so much for getting in touch with your lovely message.  I'm delighted that you've enjoyed all nine of the Wolf Brother stories - and since you've been a fan since primary school, I was particularly glad to know that you liked the later books too; as I often wonder how those three later books might strike a reader who, for years, has only known the first six. As regards the potential tv series, I'm afraid that, as I think I've mentioned in answers to other readers (I can't recall when), sadly, the Kindle/Lionsgate project isn't going to come off.  It certainly wasn't for want of trying on the part of the producers, but unfortunately making a major tv series is so expensive and difficult that it is quite common for projects not to get off the ground.  I'm sorry I can't bring you more positive news.  But rest assured that if there are any further developments in this direction, I will announce it first on my website!

In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy the Wolf Brother books on any future re-readings - and thanks again for getting in touch.

With best wishes, Michelle

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Amelia writes...

I just want to say how much your books mean to me, I just finished ‘Ghost Hunter’ about 20 seconds ago and started crying thinking it was the last one. Then I looked to check again, as I had seen something somewhere mentioning ‘Viper’s Daughter’, and well, you know. I looked into it and got excited.

Im sure you get this a lot, but your books, to put it in the cringiest way possible - moved me. As a young aspiring author I really hope I can become an author as great as you.

-Amelia 🙂

Michelle Replies...

Deaer Amelia,

Your message isn't cringy at all, it's absolutely lovely to receive!  I'm really glad that you managed to stem your tears on finishing Ghost Hunter by finding out about Viper's Daughter.  And perhaps by now you've discovered that I have also written two more Wolf Brother books, namely Skin Taker and Wolf Bane - all three featuring Torak, Renn and Wolf.  Wolf Bane is definitely the last in the series, but I hope that you enjoy them all as and when you are able to get your paws on them.  And I'd like to wish you all possible good luck with your own writing.

With best wishes,  Michelle

The chronicles of ancient darkness was my saviour

Max writes...

Hey! My name is Max, and The Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness became my saviour. I first came across the first book in the series Wolf Brother when I was in primary school year 5 I was 10 years old. And once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down! And basically never did. I’d read it, finish it, and then start again. I have Autism, and a few other diagnoses, and I felt like an alien most of the time, I didn’t fit in, I wasn’t interested in what other kids my age were interested in, and I become very withdrawn. But once I came across Wolf Brother, I didn’t feel alone, I felt as though Torak, Wolf, Renn and the others were my friends! Every time I read the book it was like I was in the book experiencing what they were, feeling what they felt, and it helped me open up, how to express how I felt and helped me to empathise with others, among other things. When I got to year 6 I must of read Wolf Brother 100s of times! And my head teacher at the time was the most caring and understanding woman I’ve ever met! And one day called me into her office and said she had a surprise for me… it was the entire book series in hardback form! I saw them and I actually cried! And to this day I still have them all, with their original sleeves 13 years later! They are my greatest treasure! I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read the series, and each time it’s just as good as the first time! They’ve helped through some of the toughest times of my life! It’s one of the very few things that have been a consistent safe place in my chaotic life! They will forever be my favourite books and they’ve been my savour over the years! I’ve got them in every form I think! From the physical copies, to the audio books, and the kindle versions, so I know that wherever I go, no matter what situation I’m in, if I need that safe place to go to then it’s there ready! Thank you so so much Michelle! You are a truly amazing writer, and I hope one day I can tell you in person how great you truly are, and how this series has saved me and become a beacon of light in my dark world!

Yours truly

Michelle Replies...

Dear Max,

Thank you so much for your wonderful, articulate, heartfelt message.  It moved me almost to tears; and I'm not someone who cries easily!  What you have described is, to me, the best thing about reading: if we find the right book, it makes us feel that we are not alone.  That is an immensely powerful feeling, and one can only get it when one has the ability really to immerse oneself in a book: an ability which you clearly had from an early age.  I am so delighted and proud that my stories helped you when you were at school, and continue to do so.  And I''m glad that you had a wonderful, caring head teacher, who took the time to see what the stories meant to you.  Thank you again for so much for getting in touch.  If you haven't already done so, you might enjoy the finall three stories of Torak, Renn and Wolf, which I wrote recently.

In  the meantime, may the guardian run with you!

With very best wishes, Michelle