Ask Michelle Anything

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Kathy writes…

Hello Michelle. I am a lady in her 70’s and am reading book 6 of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. I don’t know how much more trauma my heart can take. Just when I think things are okay, up pops another trauma and I am fretting as to what will happen. Goodness only knows how children cope. Regardless of the horrors I am thoroughly enjoying the books and cannot wait to see what happens in books 7, 8 and 9. Kind regards.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Kathy, thank you so much for your delightful message, which did make me chuckle!  I know what you mean about the trauma.  While I was writing the books, I sometimes felt a bit bad about what I was inflicting on my characters; but then I would give an evil laugh and go right on doing it… And it’s amazing what children can cope with, especially when they can reassure themselves that this all happened six thousand years ago, in a faraway forest.  Thank you again for brightening up my day.  I do hope that you enjoy the remaining three books.  With best wishes, Michelle