Jacob writes…
Hello, Michelle!
My name is Jacob and I am 14. I recently sent a message to your mailbox. When I sent it I hadn’t actually finished the last book. Upon finishing it, I saw in the authors note that your neighbors from wimbledon had helped you with writing about wolfs tail. I was so shocked to find out my favourite writer also lives in the same town as me. I also wanted to say that your books are stunning and page turning unlike no other.
I said this in my other message: that I had an idea about a book you could write (renn and toraks child is taken to be used as a tokoroth). I know you said you would never write another one of these books, and I know it is such hard work writing books, but genuinely I would on behalf of every fan be elated to read another book. Now finally for my question:
-Would Clans 6000 years ago tolerate homosexuality
-what was your favorite book to write
-are you ever going to pursue trying to bring the movie version alive? (Please 😁)
Thank you,
Michelle Replies…
Hello again, Jacob; and what a coincidence that you live in the same area as me! To answer your questions: first, as regards a film of Wolf Brother, it’s really for the film studios to decide that; and if someone comes along who looks likely to make a good job of it, of course I’ll be open to that. Secondly, you asked about peoples’ attitudes to homosexuality in Torak’s time, 6,000 years ago. The short answer is, we simply don’t know. So when I came to write the books, I based the clans’ attitudes and beliefs on those of more recent hunter-gatherers, as well as those of people who until recently still lived in traditional ways (see my Author’s Notes to the stories for more details). This led me to take the view that, while some of the clans in the books might be prejudiced (I’m thinking of the Deep Forest clans, who are pretty bigotted, telling Renn that women can’t be mages!), other clans are more inclusive; particularly the Ravens, led by Fin-Kedinn. My research leads me to believe that this is plausible. Thirdly, you asked what was my favourite book to write. I don’t really have favourites – except to say that perhaps my favourite is usually the book I’ve just finished. This is because I can still remember how hard it was to write, and yet I’ve managed to smooth out all the difficult bits and produce a book I’m proud of. So right now it’s Rainforest, a ghost story for adults, which comes out next year. Finally, you put in another plea for a tenth Wolf Brother book. Again, nice try, Jacob; but I think nine books will do. And I’m currently having too much fun writing Gothic novels for adults, to stop! Thanks for getting in touch again. With very best wishes, Michelle