Ask Michelle Anything

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Kathy writes…

I have just finished Wolfbane, book nine of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. What a roller coaster of events and emotions throughout the whole nine books, which I have just about managed to survive. I think part of my enthralment of the books comes from the tribes belief that literally everything has a spirit, to be revered and respected. I like to believe this too. I also particularly loved the way everyday things were given such common-sense and descriptive names, like the sky being described as the Up and water described as the Wet. Having finished the books I shall miss my old friends whom I have grown to love and admire. Thank you for keeping me enthralled and I wish you much power to your imagination and future writing. Kind regards.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Kathy, That’s such a beautiful message, and it made me chuckle too, when you mentioned just about managing to survive the books!  At times during the writing, I’ve felt twinges of guilt about what I’ve put Torak, Renn and Wolf through during their adventures (not to mention Dark and Fin-Kedinn); so I can understand that you felt a bit wrung out by the time you’d finished Wolfbane.  I’m also delighted that you like the spiritual aspects of the stories.  As you’ll have gathered from the Author’s Notes, the clans’ beliefs are based on those of more recent hunter-gatherers all over the world.  During my researches I was struck again and again by their variety, wisdom and inventiveness.  Thanks again for getting in touch – and may the guardian run with you!  Michelle