Ask Michelle Anything

From Ross Chronicles of Ancient Darkness – Books 7-9

Ross writes…

My daughter devoured the first six books in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series, but was heartbroken to discover that the next three books in the series do not have a Kindle version. Of course we could order paperback copies, but she is a voracious reader, and literally goes through hundreds of books per year. For both environmental and storage space considerations we have tried to stick with Kindle editions for the past few years.

Is there any chance Kindle versions of books 7-9 of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness are likely to become available in the next little while?

All the best,

Ross McKenna
Burnaby, BC

Michelle Replies…

Dear Ross, I’m so glad that your daughter has enjoyed the first six books, and I’m sorry to hear that a Kindle version isn’t available for the final three. I had thought that there were electronic versions.  I’m afraid I have no control over this, as it’s up to my publishers, but I’ll pass on your message to them.  In the meantime, I hope that your daughter continues to enjoy time in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf – in whatever form that might be!  With best wishes, Michelle