Ask Michelle Anything

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness on Screen

Harry writes…

Hi Michelle,

My name is Harry, a 29 year old from London. I’ve only very recently discovered the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series and it reignited my love of reading. What amazing imaginative stories captured from such a magical world within our own history. It was gripping from start to finish!

My question is, I know you’ve been trying to get a Wolf Brother to series or movie in the works. How is that going, can we expect to see something in film or TV from this incredible world?

Michelle Replies…

Dear Harry, I’m absolutely delighted that my books have reignitedy our love reading!  I wish I could say that a film or tv series is imminent, but I’m afraid that the latest project (Kindle/Lionsgate) isn’t going to come off.  It certainly wasn’t for want of trying on the part of the producers, but unfortunately  making a major tv series (or film) is so expensive and difficulty that it is very common for such projects not to get off the ground.  As and when there’s any more positive news, however, you may be sure that I’ll announce it on my website.  In the meantime, thanks again for getting in touch – and may the guardian run with you!  With best wishes, Michelle