Crónicas de la Prehistoria

Juan Carlos writes…

Hola Michelle!!!
Va a producirse una serie animada de la saga???
Muchas gracias por todo tu trabajo y dedicación para crear la historia de Torak, Renn y Lobo!!!
Ojalá en un futuro te animes a seguir escribiendo sobre su mundo como precuela o secuela…
Un cordial saludo!!!
Juan Carlos

Michelle Replies…

Hola, Juan Carlos!  I’m afraid I don’t speak Spanish, but if you are asking if there’s going to be an animated series of the stories of Torak, Renn and Wolf, I’m afraid the answer is no, there are no plans for one.  But of course, that might change at some time in the future.  If there is any news, I will post it here on my website.  In the meantime, thank you for getting in touch!  With best wishes, Michelle