Ask Michelle Anything

Dark matter

Mona writes…

I just finished dark matter and I loved it so much. The setting and characters were so vivid, I felt like I was there. I was trying to imagine a book that would suit me more in setting, atmosphere, characters, or story and I cannot. I cried at the end and thought the love story was beautiful. Off to read your other ghost stories! Please keep writing them. Dark matter is now my favorite book!

Michelle Replies…

Dear Mona, what a lovely message to wake up to.  I’m delighted that you enjoyed Dark Matter so much.  I’m also quite pleased that it made you cry (and I mean that in the nicest possible way), because I try to evoke strong emotions in my readers, and it’s always good to know when I’ve succeeded.  I should add that I cried a few times too, when I was writing it!

I am indeed writing more ghost stories.  I find them fiendishly difficult to write, but I love them all the same.  My next one, Rainforest, is published in the UK in October.  Thanks again for getting in touch – and I do hope that you enjoy Thin Air and Wakenhyrst, as and when you can get your hands on them. With very best wishes, Michelle