Ask Michelle Anything

Dark Matter

Christopher writes…

Dark Matter came recommended to me after reading Felix Blackwells book Stolen Tounges because it was the scariest book iv read. Dark matter surpassed it, you really brought the isolation and claustrophobia. Fantastic read and I can't wait to read Thin Air.

My question is, in Dark Matter it's mentioned you visited remote areas. I was wondering if you have any books or plans to write about your own travels from your own perspective?

Michelle Replies…

Dear Christopher, I’m so glad that you enjoyed Dark Matter!  You’re right, I have visited many wild and remote places while researching my books, but I’ve never written about my travels, except in the odd article for a magazine or newspaper.  Many readers have asked whether I’ve plans for such a book, but at the moment I don’t.  I think that’s because I prefer weaving stories about places, rather than keeping to my own experiences of them.  Thanks for getting in touch – and I do hope you enjoy Thin Air! With best wishes, Michelle