Ask Michelle Anything

Eagle Owls

Annabel writes…

Hi Michelle, my name is Annabel. When my sister left home a few years ago, she handed your books down to me and I have come back to CoAD ever since. We heartily agree that they are such good books.

Ghost Hunter has to be my favourite, because of the excitement and ultimatum of it all. I cried when the eagle owl attacked the wolves and, for the first time in my life, I felt a strong sense of dislike for owls, having loved them all my life!

I also met the wolves at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust before it closed to the public, taking some wonderful photos of them. One day, I want to write about the friendship between children and wild animals, though I think big cats are more my thing. I do like wolves, but I think you have ticked that box!

One final note: the first meeting of Renn in Wolf Brother still makes me want to give her a good slap. That is how good you are at creating convincing cruelty in your characters!

Many thanks for being you,
Best wishes

Michelle Replies…

Dear Annabel, thank you so much for your message, and I’m delighted that you like my books!  I did laugh when you said that you wanted to slap Renn when Torak first meets her; you’re not the only reader who’s had that reaction.  And just so you know, that eagle owl in GHOST HUNTER is a bit of an exception, and I too love owls.  There are tawny owls on Wimbledon Common, where I live, and sometimes they hunt in the meadow opposite my house; it’s always a treat to hear them calling to each other, and to catch a glimpse of them flying.

Thank you again for getting in touch, and the best of luck with your own writing, as and when you do it. Regards, Michelle