Amy writes…
Hi Michelle Paver, I starting middle school and my librarian recommended the first book of the series, Wolf brother! He read the first chapter to us and from then on, I become completely enthralled in this world of nature, survival and action 🐺. The first chapter gripped everybody in our class, and I must say, you sure know how to capture attention!! The action and blood led me completely into the book, while startling me with the creepy atmosphere of knowing a killer demon bear is gonna sneak up on you. After arriving home from school, I immediately asked my mom to order the entire series (and I didn't know it was called the chronicles of ancient darkness so i got confused 🤔).
My favorite would be Spirit Walker, because of the even more gripping atmosphere and those creepy descriptions of people infected with the disease! I LOVEEEE your style of writing, not wasting a word (sometimes I write too much description) and always straight-on action, bloody and thrilling. Spirit walker is ur ideal horror story (I must say.. it was horrifying reading it in bed at midnight). I even brought it to a sleepover so I wouldn't become too sleepy and it rly does clear my mind up lol 💦.
Also I knew from the start, as the complete mastermind who pleasures herself upon conjuring up insane love connections and twists in the storyline, that the relationships would turn out as they would become!! ITS LIKE WATCHING A MOVIEE!!! I WISH YOU COULD ADD MORE 😭
Something interesting to think about: Nine out of ten adventure books with a hero as its main character always makes the hero fight the ultimate villain that will destroy the world in five days if you don't stop him, acquires amazing, super rare abilities, has one to two close friends and is born with a destiny and always singled out as special. Isn't that true with Torak, Harry Potter and lots more heroes we need in real life but can only find in books? 🥺 But of course we would always want a talented, charming hero, or who could defeat the villian? However, we don't rly notice this with Harry Potter because the storyline kinda just slides, adding some side stories, and challenges until the main battle with Lord Voldemort! And that's the magic of JK Rowling, and you have always accomplished that as well!
HII I got the email telling me about how u saw my original post, and I understand it had too much spoilers, because honestly, all I wanted to talk about was the books!! The fact that u knew there were spoilers meant that u read it and I am sooo happy!!!!! I sent it because it had all I rly wanted to say and well what can i talk about besides the book!!? It would be rly nice to have a section for people who have already read the series so we can talk openly! U could say, "bewarned, there ARE SPOILERS IN HERE. DO not click enter if u have not read the book". However, I am still really really glad that u read my first post because it had, again, everything I wanted to say to u!! and it didn't rly need any response, as long as u saw it!!!
I want to ask u something as well because well, I'm "asking Michelle Paver anything"!! I'm going into my teenager era and all that oil and acne is popping up. I've been rly insecure these days about some freckles and acne on my forehead. Also am I the only person who has black stuff going into my pores? I've been trying skincare, washing my face daily and putting on masks, but I've never seem to come across some rly useful products? Do you recommend anything to help ? I know this is a really weird question but we can all agree that most girls in my age now need this advice! Any brands u recommend? Nothing too dry tho
Thank u so much for seeing this 🙂 hope u reply!!
—- AMY sending lots of love to the wolf cubs!!
Michelle Replies…
Hello, Amy. I’m glad you’re glad that I do indeed read all my messages – including yours! And it’s brilliant that you’re so enthusiastic about my stories. Insightful, too, about the structure of adventure stories. Someone once said that there are in fact only a very few original story lines in literature (the number is popularly believed to be seven) – and that all stories are variations on these. Maybe that’s something to ponder as you read – or not. As for skincare, hmm, it’s a long time since I had spots, although when I was your age I did, as well as those pesky blackheads. I’m sorry I can’t recommend anything, except the usual advice about eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and avoiding fatty foods and too much chocolate. Boring advice, I’m afraid, but it helps. Also, these things usually clear up after a few years – which isn’t much help to you now, but is something to bear in mind. In the meantime, enjoy being with Wolf et al in the Forest – where skincare means a quick wash in a nearby stream! With best wishes, Michelle