Ask Michelle Anything

First and foremost Thank You …

Steven writes…

Hi Michelle,

My name is Steven Campbell and I'm a 25 year old aspiring author from Sydney, Australia. I've spent my life reading and writing stories and found your Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series when I was a teenager at high school. It got me through some tough times growing up rather poor and really helped improve and inspire some of my writing. So I wanted to take the time out to first and foremost thank you for your wonderful stories and let you know how much it meant to me.

I also would like to ask if you would perhaps be willing to read a manuscript I've been working on for the past year. I've always tried to attain the same sense of adventure and wonder in my writing that I found when I first read Wolf Brother and it would mean a lot to possibly have you let me know what you thought of my writing. However I understand if you are too busy and would just like the time to say thank you for the stories and I hope you never stop writing!

Feel free to contact me on the email above at any time, cheers!

Michelle Replies…

Dear Steven, I’m so glad that my stories helped you, and gave you inspiration. I’d also like to congratulate you on having the determination and staying power to work for a year on your own story.  That show that you really do want to write.  I’m afraid, however, that you guessed correctly, and I am too busy to take a look at what you’ve written.  You see, these days I have to divide my time between my own writing, and my elderly mother.  Nevertheless, I applaud you for asking (you don’t ask, you don’t get, as they say) – and I’d like to wish you every possible success with your writing.  The main thing is to keep going!

With best wishes, Michelle