Ask Michelle Anything

German translations

Sylvia writes…

Dear Michelle,
I read some of the Torak books when they first came out (already a mature adult at the time!) and loved them, and knew they would be right up my godson Jonathan's street – now 12, he's been addicted for the last two years and has read volumes 1-5, mostly gifted by me. HOWEVER he's German, and we cannot get hold of vol. 6 ('Seelenwächter' I believe) in German anywhere! You don't happen to know of a secret stash? Any print runs planned? Such a shame they're no longer available.
Worse still, am I right in thinking the last 3 volumes haven't even been translated? In which case I'll have to tell him to get his skates on and keep working on his English…
NB. I love Thin Air & Dark Matter especially, too, and shall explore some of your other books.
Kind regards, Sylvia

Michelle Replies…

Dear Sylvia, I’m so glad that you and Jonathan have both enjoyed the Torak books; but I’m afraid I can’t help you as regards a German edition of volume 6 – except to suggest a secondhand book site, such as  And I’m afraid you’re correct that the final three volumes – ie books 7-9 – haven’t been translated into German, so Jonathan will, as you say, need to keep working on his English, if he wants to find out what happens… Thanks very much for getting in touch, and I hope you continue to enjoy my Gothic novels too.  With very best wishes, Michelle