Gods and Warriors

Kay writes…

I'd like to say how much I enjoyed the Gods and Warriors series. It always seems underappreciated compared to the Wolfbrother series (which I also really enjoyed, incidentally)
In both series – but particularly G&W- the style of writing, the density of information and the creation of atmosphere were masterly.
I know the books are meant for children/teenagers but there is never anything patronising in them . I'm 65 and I get just as much out of the series as a 15 year old would ! Especially as I'm a keen amateur egyptologist ( loved The Crocodile Tomb…brilliant!)
My question is, will there be any more Audible recordings of G&W books? Toby Stephens made an excellent job of Book 1 and I would be delighted to collect the others .
Anyway, thank you for providing many enthralling hours .
Kay Cooper

Michelle Replies…

How very kind of you, Kay, and I’m so glad that you like Gods and Warriors!  I’m also delighted that you liked The Crocodile Tomb, as I particularly enjoyed writing it – having been, like you, an amateur egyptologist for years.  You’re right that the series hasn’t received as much attention as the Wolf Brother books, and  I’ve always thought that this may have something to do with the fact that they have different publishers.  I also agree that Toby Stephens gave a terrific reading of the first book.  Sadly, though, the publishers decided not to record any more.  I don’t know why, and I do think it’s a pity, but it can’t be helped.  Still, at least they’re still publishing the books!  Thank you so much for getting in touch. With very best wishes, Michelle