Ask Michelle Anything

Happy 20th anniversary!!

Elin writes…

Hi Michelle!
I’ve been thinking about the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness a lot this past week since the 20th anniversary of Wolf Brother was yesterday, May 27th.
I just wanted to write you a message to thank you for this series. I was 9 when Wolf Brother was published in Sweden, my mom bought the book and read it aloud to my younger siblings and I after dinner in the evenings. We continued doing this with the rest of the original series despite me getting a bit too old to have my mom read to me by the end. I grew up with this series and I hold it close to my heart, and getting to return to it in my 20’s was emotional in the best way. Thank you for nine books of adventure and love <3

Michelle Replies…

Dear Elin,  Thank you so much for your delightful message!  Here in the UK we’ll be celebrating Wolf Brother’s 20th birthday a little later in the year, but it’s wonderful to be reminded of the great welcome it received from Swedish readers; and I love the picture you paint of your mother reading the whole of the original series to you and your younger siblings in the evenings.  I’m also really pleased that as an adult you’ve caught up with the three sequels which I wrote later.  Thank you again for getting in touch – and may the guardian run with you!  With very best wishes, Michelle