Ask Michelle Anything


Salla writes…


This seems awfully informal, but it was the only way I thought I could get an inkling of reach. I just wanted to say your books meant a great deal to me as someone who thought words were very important to them. I still think they’re important and your books are still helping. For a finnish kid who found wolf brother as a very young, aspiring “author”, it meant the world to me to read something so descriptive, something that had so much respect for nature, tradition and other things. I was wondering, as comes my question, is there any chancer the latter books in the series might get translated to finnish? I understand it’s a tough market, but I remember how important this series was… I know it can be that to so many other readers who just can’t manage English yet.

In any case, thank you for the words. Thank you for this wonderful world. You’ve helped me a lot.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Salla, Thank you so much for your heartfelt and thoughtful message. I’m glad that when you found Wolf Brother as a young would-be author, it helped confirm your belief that words matter.  They do, of course, but these days their importance is so easily overlooked.  Clearly you had the authorial instinct from a very young age.  As for your question, I’m afraid that there are no current plans for the later books to be translated into Finnish.  That decision is up to the publishers, not me.  Of course, you could always contact them and ask.  But I fear that for now, Finnish readers will have to make do with the English versions – although I do appreciate that that’s far from ideal.

But back to the your own response to the stories.  I love the way you signed off: “Thank you for the words.”  It says so much, so simply.  I’m glad that I’ve helped you – and the best of luck with your own writing.  Regards, Michelle