Ask Michelle Anything


Charlie writes…

When I was around 10 or 11, my best friend introduced me to a book. It would go on to change the trajectory of my life – no exaggeration!
The book was, of course, Wolf Brother. Before long, our entire Primary 6/7 class was obsessed – one girl decided that she would marry Torak. By the time I went to secondary school, I had read the entire COAD series over the course of a year. By then it was just me and my best friend still on the hype train, but we didn't care!
I had long fallen head over heels in love with Michelle's writing style – the story grips you from the very first sentence – and, having been a lover of books and writing for years at that point, wondered about being an author myself some day. Of course I thought about other things too – hairdressing, primary teaching, singing – but it was always in the back of my mind.
One of the most memorable and special days in my entire time at secondary school was when Michelle came to visit in 2012. It was only supposed to be the S1 kids meeting her – and I was in S2 by that point – but the school librarian pulled some strings and I got to meet Michelle before the other kids even arrived (thanks Mrs Sinclair!). I still have the books she signed – in one of them, she wrote "Best of luck with your writing!"
Honestly – best day in the entirety of secondary school. Except of course, the day I left!
After I left, I struggled to find a job that brought me any kind of fulfilment, or at least, didn't affect my mental health too badly. It took eight years after leaving school, a serious re-evaluation of what I really wanted to do, for me to finally decide what I'd known all along – I wanted to be an author, just like Michelle. (I know, it's cheesy.)
So, here I am twelve years after meeting Michelle in person. In three days time, I go back to school – this time, to study Literature & Creative Writing BA(Hons).

In the hopes that Michelle does read this – I wanted to thank you, deeply, for the encouragement and inspiration you gave me all those years ago, both in person and through your books. I genuinely feel I wouldn't be in the position I am now if I hadn't read COAD as a kid (and I still love the books at 25). Your style of writing and vivid descriptions will continue to inspire me throughout my own journey as an author, and I can only hope I can write as beautifully as you do some day!

Thank you for everything,

Michelle Replies…

Dear Charlie, What a marvellous message, thank you so much!  It’s wonderful to know that my books have had such a positive impact, and I’m really glad that my school visit all those years ago was part of that (school visits can be a bit of a whirl of activity, so it’s always interesting to hear how it was perceived).  It can certainly be a struggle to find a fulfilling job, and I applaud your decision to sign up for a Literature and Creative Writing degree.  I really hope you enjoy it, and that it gives you what you’re looking for.  May your writing go from strength to strength!  With very best wishes, Michelle