The Mediterranean Comes To Stockholm
“On my recent trip to Stockholm”, writes Michelle, “I was delighted to spend time with my friends at the fabulous Mediterranean Museum (Medelhavsmuseet).

Michelle with amulet
I’ve been before, and always found it hugely inspiring, particularly for my Bronze Age series Gods and Warriors. I love the spooky throng of ancient Cypriot votive statues which greets you when you walk in. And the brilliant Ancient Egyptian exhibition, with its mummified crocodiles, evocative displays of everyday life, and CAT-scanned mummy of Neswaiu. This shows the golden falcon amulet still lying undisturbed on the mummy’s breast, as no doubt Neswaiu would have wanted. (Dimitra Polidis of the Museum kindly gave me a replica amulet, which I’ll treasure.)

Afternoon tea at the Museum
Everything about this Museum is designed to fire the imagination and instill a love of the ancient world – and it succeeds brilliantly. While I was there, I heard about a ten-year-old girl who used to visit the Museum so regularly that she became a sort of unofficial guide – and grew up to be an archaeologist, directly inspired by the Museum. What a marvelous story. Long may the Museum and its wonderful staff prosper!
I look forward to many more fascinating visits!”