August writes…
I have recently finished Ghost Hunter and I am loving every book, I finished outcast in 3 days and it will be my favorite book forever. I thank you for the amazing journey you have given and are still giving me, your creativity is unmatched. Now I was wondering if there will be more content on this series, I am aware at the attempts of the TV series and we can all hope it works out. I also know Wolf Bane is the final book, I have yet to reach it but I will get there pretty soon I am sure. But will there be anything else? Anything like a board game or some additional art (Just examples)? I and probably many other people never want it to end ha! Thank you for reading and have a great day!
Michelle Replies…
Dear August, it’s brilliant to know that you’re loving the books so much! You are quite right that Wolf Bane is the final book – and I’m afraid that I don’t have any plans to write more Wolf Brother stories . I explained why in a previous answer to a reader (Josiah, back in February), but briefly, I feel that I’ve reached a natural end, and that in Wolf Bane I’ve given Torak, Renn and Wolf a good send-off. As for the proposed tv series, sadly, that isn’t going to happen (for more on that, see my answer to Tereza, back in May), and there are currently no plans for adaptations. If that changes, I’ll post on my website. Nor are there any board games or additional content – although there’s lots of fan art online (see my website for some amazing stuff). I think the thing to celebrate, though, is your response to these stories, which is clearly heartfelt and intense. Relish that. Not everyone has the ability to get so involved in a story. And remember, you can always experience it again by re-reading the books. They’ll always be with you. Thank you so much for getting in touch. With very best wishes, Michelle