Ask Michelle Anything

Just an immense thank you!

Ellinor writes…


I just wanted to send an immense thank you for creating Torak and the world around him. I was born in 1997 and was about the age of 10/11 I think when I first read the first book, maybe even a bit younger. I fell in love immediately, and the series has stuck with me throughout all these years. It isn´t until this past that I´ve gotten my hands on the rest of the series, seeing as they unfortunately aren´t widely known in Sweden.
I will always count the series as my favorite, there´s no doubt about it, and I try to constantly recommend it at work (I work in a bookstore). Sitting here and writing this at 25, I realize just how much your books have meant to me. I´m an aspiring author, and I look to your work for writing tips because your books are so well-written. I look to your books to understand how to write amazing characters. I look to your books to inspire myself to write something that could touch someone like your books touched me.
All of this is just to say thank you, but thank you isn´t enough. But I don't think I will ever find words that could be enough.

Best regards,
Ellinor Nolsäter Sörensen

Michelle Replies…

Dear Ellinor, what a lovely message to receive, particularly as I’ve just spent the past two days sorting through my old Wolf Brother files and boxes of newspaper cuttings.  This means that Torak, Renn and Wolf have been very much at the forefront of my mind – albeit in a nostalgic sort of way, as I’m packing up my papers to make way for new projects.

I’m truly delighted that my books have meant so much to you (as well as being hugely impressed by your facility with English). And if they can help you with your own writing, then so much the better.  Reading what you enjoy, and trying to work out how the story is achieved, is an excellent way of learning to write; at least, it worked for me all those years ago when I was an aspiring, unpublished writer.  So I’d like to wish you all possible good luck with your writing.  And thanks for getting in touch!

With very best wishes, Michelle