Ask Michelle Anything

Life and tragedy have got in the way, but I will never give up: my gratitude for your writing and request for a testimonial if I am lucky to be published.

Karen writes…

Dear Michelle Paver,

Forty years ago, I read Frazer's "Golden Bough" and sat in on a year's archaeology lectures at Sydney University. I have had a fascination with archaeology, mythology and anthropology ever since. I have been most interested in prehistoric sites of early agricultural civilizations particularly those of ancient Greece. I have an interest in theories about Atlantis. When I came across your Gods and Warriors series, I fell in love with your lyrical writing. You are a gifted author. I am sure I would have loved your children’s books if I had been born in the late 1990’s not 1960.

Like you I am fascinated by shamanic practices and admire your courage writing from the point of view of a spirit animal. I began writing in earnest about twenty years ago, about a matriarchal society coming into contact with patriarchal tribes. My first two books of a trilogy are set a little earlier than yours, in the Mediterranean region.

I have learned a lot from you. For example, how to create well-drawn characters, with their many strengths and flaws, making them realistic and appealing. I also like that your novels are well researched and dive straight in with compelling stories, vivid scenes, and meaningful themes. I love your descriptive prose which allows me to imagine myself as one of your characters.

I would be moved if you would permit me to share a galley of my book with you when it's published–if it’s published. Any comment would be appreciated, and I wouldn’t assume you’d provide a blurb. I have connected with, and benefitted from, your work very much so it would be an honour to share.

Thank you for reading this email, and I look forward to hearing from you, even if your reply must be brief. I can only imagine how busy you are.

Kind regards,

Karen McFarlane

Michelle Replies…

Dear Karen, I too first read the Gold Bough about forty years ago, and it made a huge impression on me.  I’m delighted that you’ve enjoyed Gods and Warriors, and that it has helped you with your own writing.  Your stories certainly sound intriguing, and are clearly something you feel strongly about.  As for reading your work, I’m afraid that I shall have to pass that up, as I simply don’t have the time.  You won’t be surprised to learn that I often get similar requests, which I also have to decline – particularly now, when looking after a 92-year-old mother means that I’m barely getting time for my own writing.  But thank you for getting in touch – and may your writing go from strength to strength!  With very best wishes, Michelle