Ask Michelle Anything

My experience

Daniel writes…

I don't have a question but I wanted to message and tell you about my experience with your books. I've never been a huge reader, my mom read all the Harry Potter books to my sister and I when we were kids and there were some others but it wasn't really "my thing". I think I was in middle school and my mom got me a book called Wolf Brother. And I loved it. I had her get me all the others that had been published buy that point and for future releases I was literally lined up at our local book store waiting for copies to be available.

I still have the original 6 books. I was telling some friends about it the other day and I remember hearing about a possible live action adaptation so I wanted to check if there was any news. Low and behold you've written 3 more books! I'll be getting those asap. I'm excited for my son to be a little older so I can read them with him. Thanks for the best book series ever! I appreciate the ride.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Daniel, Thank you so much for your message.  I’m absolutely delighted that Wolf Brother got you reading, and I think we both owe your mother a heartfelt thank-you for getting the book for you in the first place!  I love the image of you waiting at your local book store for the next installment; and it’s very moving to know that you might read the stories with your own son, when he’s old enough.  Thanks again for getting in touch – and here’s hoping that when you get your paws on the final three books, you’ll enjoy being back in the Forest with Torak, Renn and Wolf!  May the guardian run with you.  Michelle