Ask Michelle Anything

From Benjamin Publishing advice

Benjamin writes…

Hello Mrs/Miss Paver.

Absolutely love the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness saga. It’s the only book series I’ve read five times or more. It’s one of those stories where you can feel what’s been written. It really does make you route for every hero.

As an apsiring author, what advice would you give on how you got your stories published?

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and a great, big thankyou for Torak, Renn, Wolf and The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Ben Aris

Michelle Replies…

Dear Ben, I’m delighted that you like the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so much!  You’ve asked a weighty question, but briefly: I think the main thing is not to rush to submit your work.  Take the time to make sure that whatever you write is absolutely the best you can create. It’s a good idea to put it away for a few weeks, then come back to it; you’ll be astonished at how much will probably need improving!  Once you are convinced that it’s the best you can do, then I’d suggest trying to get an agent first.  This is as hard as getting published, but it really helps in the long run.  It’s years since I had to do this, so I’m afraid my advice might be a bit out of date, but you should find lists of agents and publishers in The Writers’ & Artist’s Handbook, or the Writer’s Handbook (I used hard copies in those pre-internet days, but they may be available as e-books).  These are important, as they tell you how different agents/publishers like to receive submissions.  For example, some might want just the first chapter and a covering letter, others just a synopsis; and if you don’t submit in the form that they want, your precious story will probably go straight in the bin!  Such directories also tell you what kinds of works the agents/publishers handle – and that’s also crucial.  You don’t want to send a thriller to an agent who only handles non-fiction.  Finally, try not to be discouraged if you get a rejection letter.  It has happened to us all.  It certainly did to me, I got lots of them in my early years of learning to write.  That’s all I’ve got time for, and I hope it helps a bit.  I’d like to wish you all possible luck with your writing – and if you need a break, you can always spend some time with Torak, Renn and Wolf in the Forest!  With best wishes, Michelle