Ask Michelle Anything

From Asia Clancast Q&A From 1st November 2009 – Is It Available Anywhere? (Yes!)

Asia writes…

Hi Michelle,

I have been a fan of yours for a very very long time!! I hope you are doing amazingly and time has treated you well. My question is whether you have a recording of Q&A that took place on the 1st of November in 2009? I know this is a big asked, 15 years ago now!! But I am re-reading the books and I remember the lovely chat I had with you on Skype and wanted to see it again.

Always wishing you the best <3

Kind regards,

Michelle Replies…

Hello, Asia.  Thanks very much for this.  I asked my wonderful agent to do some digging. as he’s far more tech-savvy than I, and the good news is that he has found not only our chat, but lots of other audio chats as well, in the form of podcasts from that time.

And thanks to your gently prompting, we (well, I mean, my agent) – will be re-releasing this material, so that others can also revisit and enjoy it.  We”ll start posting them to my YouTube channel (see link below), with two new episodes posted weekly, on Thursdays and Sundays.  (And to everyone who’s interested: please share this and the link with any of your friends – and/or your children; and you can of course subscribe to the channel, to be notified every time there’s a new video/podcast.)

As regards you, Asia, I’m told that you were the very first reader with whom I chatted on this show; so here’s hoping you can go on my YouTube and find it!

Here’s the link to my channel:

Thanks again for getting in touch – and enjoy your trip down memory lane!

With very best wishes,  Michelle