Pedrosky writes…
Hord wants to be head of the Raven Clan if Fin-kedinn dies, but Torak knows that's not going to happen, why?
Michelle Replies…
Hello, and thanks for your question. Torak knows that Hord could never be Leader of the Raven Clan, because Hord doesn’t have the qualities of a leader. He’s vain and he always wants to be first, which comes from his insecurity (because secretly he doubts that he’s up to it). By contrast, Fin-Kedinn has the courage to fight for what he believes to be right, when all others are against him; he is assured enough to admit that he’s wrong when he needs to, and wise enough to listen to others and then to make up his own mind. He’s a real leader. Hord isn’t. I hope that answers your question – and may the guardian run with you! Best wishes, Michelle