Ask Michelle Anything

Modern horror authors that you really like

Shonna writes…

Your writing is very spooky, especially in your horror novels, but even in your young adult series as well. I was wondering if you have any modern horror authors that you really like or modern horror books? I have found myself most scared by you and Darcy Coates to name a few. Happy reading and writing! 🙂

Michelle Replies…

Dear Shonna,

Hmm, that’s a tricky one, as I don’t read many modern horror or ghost books. That’s not because there aren’t any really good ones, it’s just that I prefer not to be influenced too much, and also I love reading the old Victorian or Edwardian ghost stories.  One modern book I did enjoy, though, was Sarah Moss’s COLD EARTH.  It’s set in Greenland on an archaelogical expedition, and it really does have a terrific atmosphere.  It’s also incredibly compelling: I just sat there and read it all day.  I haven’t caught up with her more recent books, but I’d definitely check her out.  I hope that helps – and happy reading!

Best wishes, Michelle