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questions about your Wolf Brother books and how i love them

Violet writes…

I absolutely love the series Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. I have just finished reading the last one Wolf Bane. I’ve been reading them ever since a month before the summer holidays in 2024. For World Book Day [6th of March or the day I sent you this message] I went as Renn. And I wonder will there be any more books? And in the books they never say years or months but they do say summers and moons so I was wondering if summers are equivalent to years and moons are equivalent to months? At first when I started reading Wolf Brother I didn’t really liked it but then the more I read the book the more I liked it! The Wolf Brother series Is definitely my favourite of all time but now that I’ve finished them I don’t know what to read so I was also wondering if you had any suggestions on what to read next?
From one of the biggest lovers of the Wolf Brother series
[by the way I’m using my dad's email address]

Michelle Replies…

Dear Violet, I’m delighted that you’ve been enjoying the Wolf Brother books so much – and thank you for sending the picture of you as Renn on World Book Day.  I think your expression has a look of Renn about it: very determined!  You’re quite right that when people in Torak’s world say “summer” (or indeed “winter”), they mean a year; and that “moons” correspond, roughly, to our months – although in Torak’s world there are actually thirteen “moons”, to correspond with the lunar cycle.  I’m afraid that Wolfbane is indeed the last in the series, and I’ve no plans to write another.  You see, I think that with that ninth book I’ve given Torak, Renn and Wolf quite a good send-off; and it’s now up to them to go forward in life.  Also, I didn’t want to have the series fizzle out, as series can tend to do if they’re continued on beyond their natural ending.   As for what you might read next, well, a few years ago I wrote a five-book series set in the Bronze Age (that is, a bit later than Torak’s time, but still in the very distant past).  It’s called Gods and Warriors and it’s published by Puffin Books.  It has lots of animals and adventure in it, so you might enjoy those stories too.  And of course if you’re still missing the world of Wolf Brother, you could always re-read some of the books; that will get you back in the Forest, with Torak, Renn and Wolf.  Whatever you decide to do, thank you so much for getting in touch – and may the guardian run with you!  With best wishes, Michelle