P writes…
Possible spoiler, sorry, but am so curious.
I couldn't help noticing the repeated reference to a small "wet dark round head" throughout the story. I also think that Algy's mistreatment of the seals is no coincidence. I think the explanation coming from the various minor characters is a red herring. I love Scottish sea legends, shared among Faroese and Icelandic cultures. Perhaps you might "seal" what I am referring to…? Or even "kelpie" me to understand?
Michelle Replies…
Thank you for this. I share your love of sea legends with Scandinavian roots, and I can see how your suspicions have arisen. However, as regards settling things for you one way or the other, I’m afraid I’m not going to do that. You see, I think it’s important when one’s writing a supernatural story to keep things ambiguous: to leave room for individual readers’ interpretations; and over the years since I wrote Dark Matter, I have come to learn that these can vary hugely. In short, there is no right or wrong interpretation. There is only your own interpretation; that’s what counts. I hope you won’t find that too annoying vague, and I’m sorry that I can’t be more definite. But thank you for raising such an interesting point. With best wishes, Michelle. P.S. No worries about spoilers; I took the liberty of slightly editing your message by deleting a couple before I posted it.