Ask Michelle Anything

Sobre Crónicas de la prehistoria

Juan writes…

Hola Michelle!!!
Soy un seguidor de “Crónicas de la prehistoria “ y me gustaría saber si en un futuro se plantearía la producción de una serie animada de la saga.
Muchísimas gracias por crear y compartir esta maravillosa historia!!!
Un cordial y cariñoso saludo!!!

Michelle Replies…

Hola, Juan Carlos!  Actually I don’t speak Spanish, but I think I’ve managed to understand your message.  I’m really pleased that you’ve been enjoying the Chronicles of Prehistory (as they’re known in Spanish)!  I’m afraid that there are currently no plans to make a film version, or an animated series, but let’s hope that things change in the future.  In the meantime, may you continue to enjoy the stories!  With very best wishes, Michelle