Resources For Teachers & Educators

Michelle and her publishers are pleased to presetn you with some fabulous reading and teaching aids, prepared by educationalists for use in a wide variety of learning environments. Simply click on the pack graphic to download.
Please note: these teaching resources may contain spoilers!  Only download and use once you’ve read the relevant book!

SKIN TAKER TEACHING RESOURCES contains pages of helpful, relevant and ready-made professional material for teachers to use without further preparation, including writing style and structure, themes and stepping-off points for further work (Stone Age, clothing, food, territory, natural disasters, beliefs, community and leadership).

THE VIPER’S DAUGHTER ACTIVITY PACK is a 23-page activity pack for children on and around the themes in Viper’s Daughter, created by a professional educator. Includes quizzes, puzzles, jumping-off points for artwork and 3-dimensional creative design, nature notes, and more.

VIPER’S DAUGHTER NOTES FOR READERS. Designed for direct use by readers, this 27-page comprehensive guide will provoke further activities across a wide range of topics, including writing style, use of language, characters and drama, nature, loyalty and friendship, and much more.

WOLF BROTHER’S WILDWOODS” – A teaching resource produced by Forestry Commission Scotland to support teachers who are reading Wolf Brother with their classes. Particulaely, suitable for outdoor learning, this resource gives suggestions as to how pupils of today can develop their understanding of woodland, and aims to make today’s children feel more at home in a woodland environment.

WOLFBANE TEACHER’S RESOURCES features a wealth of sections ranging from writing style to the Mesolithic setting and environment, and creates a huge number of activity and discussion nodes about food, shelter, tools and tool making, respect for the natural world, kinship and clans, friendship and relationships… and much more. Plus resources for further reading and research. Everything you need to fire young imaginations!



Michelle receives a steady stream of enquiries from teachers and educators regarding the reading of the WOLF BROTHER books to their classes, either live in-person or remotely over the internet.  Please rest assured that, as long as the conditions below are met, there is no need to request special permission to read these books to your children.

1) The reading should not be for profit, i.e. you must not charge for it;

2) The reading should be the same as would normally be done in a physical classroom situation, i.e. to a closed group of pupils or students. This means that you cannot broadcast it over the internet to the general public (e.g. as a YouTube recording or podcast), but reading to a private user group such as a Zoom call with your students is perfectly fine.