Thank you

Sofia writes…

Dear Michelle, I have been a fan of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness since I was a child (I even have a little shelf dedicated to it!) so you can imagine my excitement when three sequels were announced a few years back. I am now 28 years old and still as enchanted with your books as ever. The reason I’m writing to you is because I want to thank you for Dark’s story in particular. I always saw a bit of myself in him—timid but also curious, loyal, and deeply protective. In Wolfbane, I saw yet another vital piece of myself represented so beautifully. Thank you for showing that even thousands of years ago there were people like him, like me, like many of us, and that they were good and brave and loved. It means more than I could ever express.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Sofia, that is such a beautiful and heartfelt message.  I’m absolutely delighted that you had such a strong and empathetic response to the stories, particularly to Dark.  I’d had him in mind from the very beginning of the series, but as things turned out, he only found his place in Ghost Hunter – so there wasn’t space to do as much with him as I’d wanted to.  Getting the idea for the further three books gave me a chance to do his character justice.  Your message, like many I’ve received, shows that it was worth the effort.  (I might add that I also appreciate the graceful way in which you avoided spoilers!)  Thank you for getting in touch.  And may you share many more happy hours with Torak, Renn, Wolf and of course Dark, in the Forest.  With very best wishes, Michelle