Ask Michelle Anything

Thanks you and ask for Audible translate

Lucas writes…

Hello, good evening dear Mrs. Michelle Paver!
Let me introduce myself, Jaupart Lucas, 25 years old, great reader in my spare time, Show Technician by profession and self-taught programmer.
I read your whole series of "Chronicles of Ancient Darkness" starting with the first volume when I was 8 years old and that's what made me love reading it.
Today I still like to immerse myself in the incredible stories of Torak and Wolf from time to time and I read them again.
I am sorry if my English is not very correct, I am Belgian from the Walloon part and therefore speak French normally, not knowing if you speak it I prefer to write to you in English ^^
So here I am contacting you obviously to share with you the love I have for the universe you have created but also because I noticed that your novels are only available in English on Audible.
So I wanted to know if you plan to release them also in French in this way or if you would accept that I read it myself by sending you the progress of the reading chapter by chapter and that we can together make it available in this language. ?
I ask absolutely nothing in exchange, the simple fact of sharing this universe would already be more than enough for me 🙂
I hope you are well.
Have a good day/evening.
A very big fan.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Lucas,

It’s lovely to hear from you – and your English is excellent!  (It’s much better than my French, even though I am half Belgian.)  I’m so pleased that you like my Wolf Brother stories, and it’s a lovely and very generous idea of yours to read them in French, so as to share them with French-speaking readers.  However I’m afraid that won’t be possible.  You see, the rights are owned by my French publishers, Hachette, and they wouldn’t allow it.  So I’m afraid that for now we’ll have to do without French-language audio books of the series, as Hachette has (to my knowledge) no plans to create them.  I’m sorry about that.  And I hope that despite this, you will continue to enjoy the world of Torak, Renn and Wolf.

With very best wishes,  Michelle