Thin Air

William writes…

Hi Michelle,

I met you around ten years ago when you came to my secondary school, you were very kind and took the time to talk to me about your books and life. I am reading Thin Air at the moment, and just wanted to comment on how fantastic the book is. I am a doctor myself and find it so easy to relate to Stephen. Your books kept me interested in reading as a child and this has continued throughout my adult life.

Thank you very much!

Michelle Replies…

Dear William, thank you so much for getting in touch.  I found your message very moving.  I’m glad that you have good memoriesof my visit, and that my stories kept you reading as a child.  I’m also particularly pleased that you’re enjoying Thin Air, given that you’re a doctor.  (As an aside, I really enjoyed researching altitude sickness for the book, as  I found it fascinating to look back at my own experiences at high altitude from a more informed standpoint.)  I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.  With very best wishes, Michelle