Ask Michelle Anything


Lauren writes…

Hi Michelle

I absolutely love your books especially the dark chronicles series and dark matter. FANTASTIC. It was because of you that got me into writing. Wondering when are you going to be touring? as i would love to come and meet my writing hero and i know many others would love to see you too.

Many thanks


Michelle Replies…

Hello, Lauren.  It’s so nice of you to get in touch, and I’m delighted that you’ve enjoyed my books!  As for touring or events, I’m afraid I’ve no plans to do any this year, mostly due to family demands.  I’m hoping that will change to some extent next year when RAINFOREST comes out, and of course as and when it does, details will be posted on my website.  In the meantime, I’d like to wish you the very best of luck with your own writing.  With best wishes, Michelle