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Will there be more books in the series

Paul writes…

Would be there more books in the series chronicles of ancient darkness (I know I've already seen that there will be no more. But for a straight 3 weeks i can't stop thinking about it) i can't stop reading

Michelle Replies…

Dear Paul, I’m afraid you’re right that there won’t be any more Wolf Brother books after the ninth and final one: Wolf Bane really is the end.  This is because, with the three final books (VIPER’S DAUGHTER, SKIN TAKE & WOLF BANE), I think I’ve given Torak, Renn and Wolf a good send-off – as well as dealing with quite a lot of the emotional aftermath of what they went through in the previous six books.  I’m really glad that you’ve had such a strong connection with the books. Perhaps a bit of re-reading might help?  Thanks for getting in touch.  And may the guardian run with you!  Michelle