Ask Michelle Anything

Without charity and A place in the Hills

Sophie Anna writes…

"Without Charity" and "A Place in the Hills" are two of my favourite books, I can just pick them up and start reading at any point. The only other books I do this with are "Jane Eyre" and "Persuasion".
Thank you for writing them! Will you be writing any other books like them anytime soon? I sincerely hope you do!

Michelle Replies…

Dear Sophie, how lovely to know that you’ve enjoyed Without Charity and A Place in the Hills so much!  They were the first two books I ever had published, so for me they occupy a special place in my writings.  After them I wrote a trilogy set in colonial Jamaica: The Shadow Catcher, Fever Hill, and The Serpent’s Tooth.  I think you might like them too.  I’m afraid they’re currently out of print, although you might be able to get secondhand copies via, say,; and electronic versions mayl be available some time next year.  In the meantime, thank you so much for getting in touch!  With very best wishes, Michelle