Wolf Brother

Valeria writes…

I love your books, especially the Wolf Brother series. I wrote to you in 2022 asking if the new books from this series would be translated into Russian. I understand the situation in the world, but I still want to ask this question again. Will the new books from the "Wolf Brother" series be translated into Russian in the future?
Thank you!

Michelle Replies…

Hello, Valeria, nice to hear from you!  I’m afraid that there are still no plans to translate the final three books into Russian.  I don’t think this has anything much to do with the current political situation, as the books haven’t been translated into French either (to give just one example); it’s just one of those things and it’s out of my hands.  However, judging from your message, your English is pretty amazing (and a lot better than my Russian)  – so you might be able to tackle the sequels in English.  I’m so sorry to disappoint you, and I hope that at  some time in the future, you will be able to get your paws on the sequels and enjoy them!  With very best wishes, Michelle