Ask Michelle Anything

wolf brother Arabic translation

Ahmed writes…

I wish you a great day.
my name is Ahmed Kamel.
I am an archaeologist , and tour guide in Egypt.
I am a big fan of you.
I would like to know, if there is an arabic translation of your books ?
AS I am interested in translating the wolf brother to arabic language .
best regards.

Michelle Replies…

Dear Ahmed, I am delighted and honoured that you, an archaeologist, like my books; especially an archaeologist working in Egypt.  I have been to Egypt many times, mainly to explore and enjoy the ancient sites – which in my view have no equal.  You asked whether there is an arabic translation of the Wolf Brother books, and to my knowledge there isn’t.  But I should tell you that my UK publishers, Hachette Children’s Books,  own the rights to publish overseas editions, and the way it works is that they would sell the rights to an Arabic publisher, who would then commission a translator to translate the story.  Thus until Hachette find an Arabic publisher, I’m afraid an arabic translation won’t be possible.  However none of that takes away from the fact that you have enjoyed my books, and I want to thank you so much for getting in touch.  I wish you all the possible good luck in your work.  With very best wishes, Michelle