Wolf Brother Board Game

Andrea writes…

Hello Michelle, We are a group of Year 3 students at Wesley College in Melbourne. We love your Wolf Brother Series!!
As soon as Zoe picked up the first book she knew she was going to read the whole series!
We are in a small "Enrichment" group and we are making board games, a song and a Wolf Brother Club in the playground. Some of us are also writing the 10th book, we are calling it Viper's Fire!
We would love to email you some photos of our games when we have finished them. We hope that you will look at them.
We hope that you will continue writing more great books for us to read!!
Best Wishes from Australia!!
Christopher, Mia, Sebastian, Will and Zoe
(and Mrs Machin)

Michelle Replies…

Dear Mrs Machin – and Christopher, Mia, Sebastian, Will and Zoe: I’m truly delighted that you’re all enjoying my Wolf Brother stories, and I think the activities you’re doing sound marvellous!  (You’re very lucky to have such an imaginative and inspirational teacher as Mrs Machin.)  I particularly like the sound of the Wolf Brother Club; and what a great title for the tenth book which some of you are writing.  I would love to see photos of your games, as and when you’ve finished them; perhaps you could upload them to the Clans’ Museum on my wolf brother website at https://wolfbrother.com/museum/.  Thank so much for getting in touch – and may the Wolf Brother Club go from strength to strength!  With very best wishes, Michelle