Sam writes…
I’m a student at university at the moment. I have been debating sending you a message for about a year or at least since I finished Wolfbane as an audiobook. I loved the book and I have bee a fan of the chronicles of ancient darkness ever since my dad introduced me to them as a child. basically I’m Dyslexic, reading never came easy to me but your books have always been a massive comfort, they were the first series I was truly invested in and your writing sparked a life long love of reading.
Thank You
Michelle Replies…
Dear Sam,
I’ve just arrived home to find your wonderful message; what a lovely thing to find when I switched on my computer! I have Dyslexic friends, and I have an idea how hard it can be to get into a book, so I’m absolutely delighted that you connected with the Wolf Brother books as a child; and how great that your father introduced them to you. I’m particularly pleased, too, that you liked Wolfbane. It must have been an interesting experience to return to the series as an adult, and to re-connect with Ian McKellen’s marvellous readings of the stories. Thank you again for taking the trouble to get in touch – and I’d like to wish you all possible success and happiness at university.
With very best wishes,