Callum writes…
My name is Callum, I am 10, I am a HUGE fan of your books and I would like to know if you are going to write another book after Wolf Bane.
Thank you very much,
From Callum.
Michelle Replies…
Dear Callum,
I’m really glad that you like my books! But I’m afraid that after I finished Wolf Bane, I just knew that I wouldn’t be writing any more books featuring Torak, Renn and Wolf. You see, I think nine books is a satisfying number, and as I’m really pleased with how Wolf Bane turned out, I prefer to end it there, rather than letting the series trail off into stories that aren’t quite as good, and might get repetitive. Also, I think I’ve developed the main characters – not only Wolf, Torak and Renn, but others, such as Dark – to the point where readers can imagine for themselves how their lives will turn out, and what might happen to them. As for the future, the books which I write after Wolf Bane are going to be ghost stories for grown-ups (maybe you’ll enjoy them when you’re a bit older). I’m sorry to disappoint you. But perhaps re-reading some of the Wolf Brother stories will help; I know that many readers enjoy doing this.
Thank you so much for getting in touch. With very best wishes, Michelle