An homage

Sasha writes…

Hi Michelle,

I've been a fan of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness ever since I was a child. I have all the Dutch translations and I'm looking forward to buying the next three in whichever language as soon as my wallet can handle it.

It currently can't because I've adopted a dog! His name is Torak, as an homage to both our previous dog (who's name was Ronja after the book by Astrid Lindgren – which was also a favorite book of mine) and to your lovely series.

He's a very silly boy who's got a lot to learn, but who hopefully won't have to fight any demons or evil shamans. At least not in real life, I don't know what he's doing in his dreams. 😋

If you'd ever like a picture, let me know and I'll send you one!

All the best,


Michelle Replies…

Dear Sasha, what an absolutely delightful message!  I’m afraid the final three books aren’t (to my knowledge) translated into Dutch, so you’d need to read them in English.  But in the meantime, huge congratulations on adopting Torak the dog!  He sounds enchanting; and from what you say, I have a vivid image of his paws twitching as he dreams… May you and he enjoy many happy times together -and of course without  any Soul-Eaters or demons to contend with.  May the guardian run with you both!  With very best wishes, Michelle P.S. by all means send or post a photo, if you can work out how to do that, I’d love to see Torak.